Our recommendations:
Restylane Kysse
What is Restylane Kysse?
Kysse is a hyaluronic acid gel created for precise, natural-looking results, adding volume and definition to your lips. With the ideal balance of flexibility, support, and a natural feel, you can maintain a full range of expressions.​
What are the most common goals that lip fillers can achieve?
Enhancing lip shape: Defining a "Cupid's Bow" and/or creating symmetry, as some people may have asymmetrical lips.
Increasing lip volume: Achieving a fuller, while natural-looking pout.
Reducing lip lines: Smoothing out perioral lines or "smoker's lines".
Improving lip texture and color: Yes, Restylane Kysse can help you achieve that!
What is a Kysse injection like?
The first step is to have a consultation with one of our experienced cosmetic injectors, they will determine if you are a candidate for Kysse and will help you decide if it is the right choice for you. The entire process lasts about one hour as our injector will carefully apply the filler in the areas where you need it the most. The number of syringes needed varies per patient, nonetheless, most of our patients just require one syringe and are pleased with their results.
How long does Restylane Kysse last?
Kysse can last anywhere from six months up to to one year.

*Actual patient results with Kysse.
Restylane Silk
What is Restylane Silk?
Silk is one of the fillers of Galderma’s Restylane family. This filler is composed of hyaluronic acid (a substance that is naturally in our skin) and is indicated for adding volume to the lips and smoothing wrinkles around the nose. The results of Restylane Silk are of natural-looking, rich lips.
What is a Restylane Silk injection like?
The first step is to have a consultation with one of our experienced cosmetic injectors, they will determine if you are a candidate for Silk and will help you decide if it is the right choice for you. The entire process lasts about one hour as our injector will carefully apply the filler in the areas where you need it the most. Even though Silk is integrated with a numbing agent we do apply a topical numbing to your skin before doing the injection to reduce discomfort during the procedure.
How long does Silk last?
Silk is proven to last up to six months, although some patients experience results for longer.
*Actual patient results with Restylane.
Revanesse Versa
What is Revanesse Versa?
Versa is an FDA-approved hyaluronic acid dermal filler that can be used to smooth lines and wrinkles and enhance facial volume for a fresh, youthful appearance. ​Treatment areas are lips, nasolabial folds, oral commissures, marionette lines, cheeks and mental crease; this makes Versa our most versatile filler. In addition, it's 1.2ml, which is 20% larger than most other fillers.
What is a Revanesse Versa injection like?
The first step is to have a consultation with one of our experienced cosmetic injectors, they will determine if you are a candidate for Versa and will help you decide if it is the right choice for you. The entire process lasts about one hour as our injector will carefully apply the filler in the areas where you need it the most. As Versa can treat several areas, you can decide to use it for example in lips and cheeks or lips and nasolabial folds. Even though Versa is integrated with a numbing agent we do apply a topical numbing to your skin before doing the injection to reduce discomfort during the procedure.
How long does Versa last?
Versa is proven to last 6 to 12 months, although some patients experience results for longer.

*Treatment areas: lips, oral commissures, nasolabial folds. Photo courtesy of Revanesse.
Not ready for a lip filler? try these other options:
RF LIP PLUMP: With a quick, safe, painless, 10-minute procedure, you’ll see an immediate and natural-looking lip plumping and tightening result that continues to improve with multiple treatments over time. You may require up to 6-8 sessions to achieve the best results. The regenerative processes achieved by bipolar radiofrequency (RF) restores vivid and youthful appearance of the lips.
LIP FLIP WITH DYSPORT: This is one of the best options for our patients who want to have an immediate, subtle change in their lips. We use a small quantity of Dysport to give you natural-looking results which can last up to 3-4 months. Another great advantage? A lip flip with Dysport is a more affordable option than dermal fillers.